Kids photoshoot gallery

Elevate your memories with expert kids’ portraits and children photoshooting in our photo studio Fujairah. Professional photography capturing the essence of childhood joy and innocence.

“Life is not measured by time. It is measured by moments.”


Discover a special model gracing my studio photos – none other than my delightful daughter, Katarina. Her charming presence serves as a delightful example, sparking inspiration for your child’s photo session. Unlike elaborate setups for cake smash sessions, we keep it simple for kids aged three and older. Our focus shifts to capturing genuine child expressions, free from distractions. The essence lies in creating a backdrop where your child’s personality shines. As you explore our studio photos, envision the pure moments we can capture, letting your child’s unique charm take center stage. Let’s collaborate to turn these visions into timeless studio photo treasures, capturing the essence of your little one’s joy and personality.


Commence on a visual journey through this series of outdoor photos, a collection captured in the heart of Serbia, my cherished home country, during the golden month of August when wheat fields awaited harvest. The entirety of this series is bathed in the warm hues of nature’s palette, where the blurry backdrop artfully accentuates the focal point—my lovely daughter, Katarina, striking a pose amidst the abundance of ripe wheat. While my love for outdoor photoshoots remains unwavering, the reality in the UAE offers a unique challenge. The weather, although vibrant and radiant, doesn’t always lend itself to the comfort and leisure required for unhurried experimentation. Nonetheless, these captured moments echo the beauty of serenity, weaving a tale of a distant landscape and the warmth of home, embracing the delicate dance between artistry and nostalgy.
